Mayor Ronnie O McDaniel

Judge Ronnie McDaniel is currently serving as the Mayor of Star Valley through the elections of 2014. This is the second time Mr. McDaniel has served in this position, as he was appointed the first Mayor of Star Valley when the town was incorporated in 2005.
Mr. McDaniel is Pro Tem Judge for Gila County and previously served as Chief Tribal Judge for the Tonto Apache Reservation.
He also spent 22 years as a Deputy Sheriff for Gila County where he rose to the rank of Major.

In 1987, Mr. McDaniel was elected as Justice of the Peace (JP) for the Payson Precinct. He served four terms in that position. Concurrent with his position as JP, Mr. McDaniel was also appointed for 17 years as Magistrate Judge for the Town of Payson.
As the first Mayor of Star Valley, Mr. McDaniel assisted in the formation of the town.
Mr. McDaniel was elected to the Payson Unified School Board for approximately nine years and was President of the School Board.
Mr. McDaniel is a member of the Payson High School Class of 1958. He has completed the National Sheriff’s Institute Program and attended the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada on two separate occasions.
A life member of the Payson Elks Lodge, Mr. McDaniel is also a Rotary Member and Vice-President of the Pioneer Celebration Committee which raises scholarships for deserving students.